You may be wondering when and how to undergo Chest physiotherapy? The answer is here! Here’s everything you need to know about our Chest physiotherapy services! Lana Life Care is the most reliable provider of Chest physiotherapy services at your doorstep. 

Chest physiotherapy of Lana Life Care is a treatment by our physical therapists and medical assistants to enhance respiration by removing mucus from a patient’s breathing passages in an articulate way. Thus, it helps them in proper breathing and gives appropriate relief from various respiratory issues. 

The client receives the best Chest physical therapy (CPT) by an expert caretaker of Lana Life Care who can clap or vibrate the person’s chest to dislodge and transport the mucus to the more significant airways, where it can be coughed or puffed out of the body. 

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Mucus usually aids in the lubrication of the lungs. Infection, trauma, or illness, on the other hand, can cause extra mucus, which must be removed to breathe more easily. Physical therapists or respiratory therapists use this therapy approach, and it is frequently a part of our skilled treatment plan for patients with:

  • Ventilation acquired artificially
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis-COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) 
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Injury to the head or neck
  • Angina pectoris
  • Pneumonia
  • Complications that occur after surgery
  • Broken ribs

How do Lana Life Care experts perform chest physiotherapy? 

Breathing is enhanced by indirectly removing mucus from a patient’s breathing passages, which our professional physical therapists and respiratory therapists often accomplish.

The client undergoes chest physical therapy (CPT) in sequence to use pressure to drain mucus from the five lobes of the lungs (postural drainage). A large part of the lung is pointed downward in each position. It’s called postural drainage and percussion when it’s coupled with percussion (PD&P). Chest physiotherapy is often performed multiple times each day in either a seated or lying down posture through our able experts. There are six techniques to choose from our services:

  • Postural Drainage: This technique uses gravity to help drain fluids by adjusting the body’s posture to remove mucus.
  • Chest Percussion: This technique is also referred to as cupping or clapping, in which beating or pounding the chest, back, and below the arms in a rhythmic pattern to loosen up heavy mucus and drive it from the tiny airways to the significant airways, where it may be evacuated. Our caregiver can help shift the mucus into the bigger airways by clapping (percussion) on the chest wall over the portion of the lung that has to be drained. The palm of the hand is facing down as if it were holding water. To soften the clapping, the cupped hand bends to the chest wall and captures a cushion of air.
  • Controlled Coughing: This method aids in the breakdown and expulsion of heavy mucus.
  • Deep Breathing: By expanding lung tissue, this method increases the distribution of air throughout the body. Coughing may result from the loosened mucus being moved about by deep breathing. The diaphragm (belly breathing or lower chest breathing) is utilized to assist people to take deeper breaths and get air into their lower lungs. When a person breathes in, the belly expands, and when they breathe out, the belly contracts. You may learn more about this style of breathing from our CF respiratory or physical therapist.
  • Coughing and Breathing: Coughing and deep breathing are two strategies for clearing secretions from the respiratory system. After a period of inactivity or anesthesia, coughing and deep breathing are used to improve lung capacity and widen the airways. Coughing and deep breathing together help loosen and remove mucus from the big and small airways and prevent lung infections, all of which make breathing easier. Coughing and deep breathing are most effective when done while sitting or standing.
  • Turning: This method, like postural drainage, relies on gravity to assist, loosen, and evacuate mucus from the lungs. It entails rotating a patient from side to side in order to expand the lungs and encourage drainage.
  • Vibration: This method is used in conjunction with deep breathing exercises by the patient. To assist break up lung secretions, gentle vibrations are administered to the chest either manually (hands-only) or mechanically. Vibration is a technique for moving mucus into the more significant airways by gently shaking it. The caregiver creates a firm palm on the chest wall above the drained lung and tenses the arm and shoulder muscles to produce a delicate shaking motion. Our expert caregiver then applies mild pressure to the vibrated region.

How Long Does our CPT Procedures Take?

Each of Lana’s therapy sessions may last upto 60 minutes. CPT should be done before eating or one and a half to two hours after eating to lessen the risk of nausea. Our experts typically advise getting up early in the morning and going to bed early. If the person becomes more congested or ill, the length of CPT and the number of times it is performed each day may need to be increased.  Our respiratory therapist will advise you on which positions to use, how often to practise CPT, and how long to do it.

CPT Comfortably and Carefully at Your Ease

During CPT, both the individual with CF and the caregiver should be at ease. Tight clothes, jewellery, buttons, and zippers around the neck, chest, and waist should be removed before beginning. Wearing light, soft garments, such as a T-shirt, is OK. CPT should not be performed on exposed skin. Rings and other bulky jewellery, such as watches or bracelets, should be removed by the caregiver. Keep tissues on hand or a place to cough up mucus nearby.

When doing drumming, the caregiver should not lean forward but remain upright to preserve their back. The caregiver should see the person with CF lying on a surface is at a comfortable height for them. Our caregiver is well-versed in giving chest physiotherapy services and will guide you properly. 

The goals of Our Chest Physiotherapy Services

To provide the same or better results than bronchoscopy without the invasiveness, trauma, and danger of hypoxemia and the expense that bronchoscopy entails can be reduced significantly. We aim to enhance ventilation in places where there is a local lung blockage. If the chest physiotherapy goals are met, there should be an increase in regional lung expansion and a corresponding increase in perfusion to the afflicted region. Airway resistance and blockage should diminish when secretions are removed from bigger airways. Lung compliance should improve when secretions are cleared, and small airway ventilation is improved. It is fair to anticipate that if secretions are cleared from both big and small airways, breathing effort and oxygen use will reduce, and gas exchange will improve. In addition, if these goals are met, the risk of postoperative respiratory infection, morbidity, and hospitalization for patients with acute and chronic lung disorders can be decreased with our able services. 

Now that you know the details of Chest Physiotherapy, it’s time for you to contact us! Lana Life Care analyses your difficulties, conducts a proper assessment and provides solutions and treatments to help our patients. We have expert caregivers and physiotherapists to help you anytime! Contact us without any further delay and get the best chest physiotherapy service in the UAE.

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