Post surgery care is a type of health care provided at home for patients who need continuous follow-up and medical care after surgery or during the recovery period. post surgery care is provided by qualified and trained nurses, and includes various services such as wound care, pain management, health monitoring, medication administration, and family training on how to care for the patient. post surgery care allows patients to stay in their familiar environment, which contributes to improving their psychological state and accelerating the healing process.
post surgery care
Post surgery care refers to the medical care and home nursing that the patient receives after surgery. The type of home help after surgery depends on the nature and type of surgery, medical history, and the patient’s health condition before and after the operation. After surgery home care includes the following services:
- Conducting a daily assessment of the patient and noting any changes to inform the attending physician.
- Monitoring the patient’s vital signs (pulse rate – respiratory rate – temperature – pressure).
- Relieving pain with analgesics.
- Cleaning and sterilizing wounds.
- Monitoring the patient’s fluid intake and fluid loss rate and giving intravenous solutions.
- Supervising the treatment plan and giving medications according to the doctor’s instructions.
- Encouraging the patient to move early after the operation and to breathe deeply in addition to doing some exercises, muscle tightening and joint movement.
- Supervising the patient’s nutrition.
- Skin care and avoiding clinical ulcers.
- Maintaining the patient’s personal hygiene.
- Providing first aid in case of emergency.
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Postoperative care in the hospital
Post surgery care is an important part of the postoperative recovery process. Postoperative care aims to control pain, promote healing, and prevent complications. It begins in the hospital with the nurse immediately after the operation and continues after discharge from the hospital.
surgery care is selected according to the type of surgery and the patient’s medical background. Wound management, pain control, and airway protection are of the utmost importance. In addition, prevention of urinary retention, blood pressure fluctuations, fever, deep vein thrombosis, constipation, and muscle loss are additional postoperative care issues that should be monitored.
Postoperative care at home
Post surgery care helps the patient recover faster and enhances his sense of security and reassurance in his family’s surroundings and the surrounding environment that is suitable for his psychological and physical health and helps him avoid spending more time staying in the hospital.
Post operative nursing care is also of utmost importance to ensure a successful recovery as the patient’s body takes weeks and perhaps months to recover after surgery. Since the recovery journey and its duration may vary from one surgery to another and according to the patient’s health condition.
And because we believe that post surgery care is as important as the surgery and that many patients and their families suffer from dealing with health conditions after surgery, helping them during the recovery period is an essential part of our services.
From this perspective and because we believe in the importance and effectiveness of the role of Postoperative care procedure in the recovery journey, we Lana Life Care have activated the nursing care service for patients after surgeries at home to closely monitor their condition and monitor any side effects or complications that may occur to them after the operation.
How can you care for yourself after surgery?
Post surgery care at home and leaving the hospital to recover at home until complete recovery is a very important stage. You are responsible for caring for your wound until it is completely healed. Therefore, you must learn how to care for your wound after surgery. Here are the most important steps:
- You should consult a doctor before using any type of disinfectant to clean the wound.
- Be sure to change the bandages on the wound regularly according to the instructions of the attending physician.
- Cover the wound well to get rid of fluids.
- Avoid bathing or swimming to prevent infection of your wound.
- It is advised not to bathe for two days after surgery, and according to the doctor’s recommendations
- It is advised not to deal with animals, to reduce contamination of the wound with their fur
- Avoid scratching or itching
- Avoid removing scabs formed on the wound, to speed up healing, and prevent infection or suture discharge.
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What NOT to Do After Surgery
Speaking of post surgery care, here are some warnings that you should avoid after undergoing surgery;
Never drive shortly after undergoing general anesthesia
If the surgery involves general anesthesia, you will likely be told not to drive so that you do not feel groggy, so you will not be allowed to drive for your safety and the safety of anyone else on the road. This depends on the type of surgery.
Do not miss the breathing exercises prescribed by your healthcare professional
Suppose you have had surgery that directly affects your respiratory system, including heart, lung, or abdominal surgery. In that case, your surgical team will likely prescribe any number of breathing exercises after surgery, because medications used to sedate slow your breathing and make your breaths more shallow.
Never smoke cigarettes after surgery
If you are a smoker, your doctor has probably already urged you to quit, especially if you are planning to have surgery. If you haven’t, you may be disappointed to learn that even if you smoke up until your surgery, you should be strongly encouraged not to smoke afterward, as smoking puts strain on your heart, affects blood flow, increases your blood pressure, and puts unnecessary pressure on your lungs.
Don’t return to your normal diet too quickly after surgery
When you resume eating solid foods, it is still a good idea to avoid foods that may cause digestive problems such as constipation (cheese, for example) and digestive discomfort.
What to Do After Surgery
- Always keep your hands clean and have good personal hygiene
- Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor, following the correct dosage and schedule.
- Keep your dressings dry and intact. Do not uncover your wound for 48 hours after surgery.
- Watch for signs such as increased redness, pain, swelling, pus/drainage from the incision site, or a fever of 100.4°F (38°C), and seek emergency medical care immediately.
- Eat well. Eating well helps your body heal. If you were on a special diet before surgery, ask your doctor if you should follow the same diet.
- Avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages or smoking. This can thin your blood and increase your risk of bleeding and infection after surgery.
What are some common post-op discomforts?
When it comes to post-surgery care. The degree of discomfort after surgery depends on several things, including the type of surgery. Typical discomforts include:
- Nausea and vomiting from general anesthesia.
- Sore throat from having a tube inserted into your windpipe for breathing during surgery Soreness, swelling, or mild pain around the incision site or the IV site
- Restlessness or sleeplessness
- Thirst
- Constipation or gas
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What complications may occur after surgery?
Speaking about post surgery care. The most common complications after surgery are infection at the incision site, blood clots, and respiratory complications. Understanding these complications is essential to help reduce their risk and manage them effectively when they do occur.
Wound infection
Wound infection is one of the most common complications after surgery. It occurs when bacteria enter the surgical incision site, causing symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain, and pus discharge.
Blood clots
Surgery – especially major operations such as hip and knee replacements – can increase your risk of developing blood clots. Blood clots can be dangerous if they travel to the lungs (a condition known as pulmonary effusion) or the brain, causing a stroke.
Respiratory complications
Surgery can affect the function of your lungs, leading to complications such as pneumonia or respiratory failure. Factors such as the type of surgery, the length of the operation, and smoking can affect your risk of developing these complications.
Cardiac complications
Cardiac complications of surgery such as heart attacks are a significant risk to patients, especially those with pre-existing heart disease or who are undergoing major surgery.
Postoperative care at home with lana life care
We know that you are more than ready to meet your loved ones’ needs after surgery. But when care is required for a longer period and you need some expert hands, Lana Life Care will help you with the process. Our professional post surgery care nurses will help you with:
Comprehensive Personal Care:
Our post surgery care nurses will help bathe, toilet, and dress patients with utmost care and hygiene. The incidence of incision infection is high. Therefore, our trained professionals will ensure that things are done right.
Medication Management:
The right medication is crucial for a speedy recovery. Creating a schedule that works, administering pills on time, and helping the patient take medication are some of the services that our nurses will provide. Medication management is essential for pain management as well.
Assistant Hospital Visits:
During recovery, the patient may not be able to drive themselves for monthly hospital visits. Our post surgery care nurses will accompany your loved one to the hospital, ask the doctor about the progress, and take notes and dietary changes as the healing progresses.
After surgery, some of us will need to recover and recuperate over a period of time from our home. Our professionally qualified and post surgery care nurses can provide you with great care and all the medical assistance required. Lana life care provides excellent post surgery care for patients recovering from surgery. The care we provide depends on the type of surgery and the patient’s medical history. post surgery care mainly aims to keep the surgical incision safe from infection and restore patients’ health to their pre-surgery state through expert care and assistance.
How to speed up recovery after surgery?
Post surgery care plays an important role in speeding up the recovery process after surgery by providing continuous and specialized care in a familiar environment.
What to avoid after surgery?
Post surgery care contributes significantly to reducing the risk of infection, which is one of the main challenges in hospitals. The home environment provides additional protection against germs and infections that may spread in hospitals.