There are many home health care companies in the U.A.E. Choosing the right one is important as the quality of care is critical. It is highly important that in matters relating to the health of our family members or friends , we don’t make any compromise. U.A.E government’s health department has adopted the best of standards for the home health care business. 

Dubai Health Authority (DHA) also has stringent regulations for home health care companies in Dubai. The first step in choosing the right care provider in Dubai is to ensure that the company is licensed by the DHA. The next step is to ensure that the company is providing the right calibre of staff with adequate experience to handle the specific requirements of the patient. There are various types of home health care services and each of them require different skill sets and experience.

Good agencies will conduct a detailed assessment of the patient’s requirements before drawing out a care plan. The best agencies will have a highly qualified Director of Nursing to visit the patient and assess the medical records, the patient’s medications, current state of health etc and will even communicate with the patient’s doctor for any clarifications if required. At Lana Life Care we conduct continuous evaluation of patient’s requirements by involving high calibre Medical experts to communicate with the patient and her/his family in regular intervals. Our motto is to ensure that we are able to provide top quality health care services at your home using the best nurses and medical experts. Get in touch with us and we will be available to take excellent care of your near and dear ones at the comfort of your own home.

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