How Often Should You Swaddle A Newborn?

Many mothers resort to following the method of swaddling a newborn to help him stay calm and fall into a deep sleep, but is swaddling a newborn safe? When should it be stopped? And how often should you swaddle a newborn? Here are the answers in this guide provided by Lana Life Care.

What are the benefits of swaddling?

How often should you swaddle a newborn? Here are some of the benefits of swaddling an infant, according to Lana Life Care for Home Health Care Services;

  • Maintaining the warmth of the newborn’s body in the few days after birth, that is, until the body’s temperature regulation system begins to work properly.
  • Calming the baby and helping him fall asleep for a longer period, as he feels thanks to swaddling that he is in a small and warm environment like the womb.
  • Preventing unnecessary awakenings caused by the baby’s sudden reactions in his arms and legs.

How often should you swaddle a newborn?

How often should you swaddle a newborn? Here are the stages of swaddling a baby according to newborn care at home:

  • Spread a piece of cloth on a flat surface, and fold one of the corners in a triangular shape downward.
  • Place your baby on the blanket in the center of the folded corner, facing you.
  • Take one of the corners, either the right or left, and wrap it around your baby in the other direction, over the arms and behind his or her back.
  • Take the bottom corner at your baby’s feet and wrap it to one side.
  • Take the left corner wrap it to the right side and also place it under your baby’s back.
  • Make sure the swaddle is loose enough to allow for leg movement.


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How long can you swaddle a baby per day?

Speaking about how often should you swaddle a newborn? During the first few weeks of life, babies mostly sleep day and night. Of course, they may wake up to feed: At this stage, it is safe to swaddle your baby most of the time. According to most home nursing experts, it is safe to swaddle your baby for 12-20 hours a day during the first few weeks.

How do I swaddle my baby safely?

how often should you swaddle a newborn?According to Home Health Care expert advice, here is the correct way for how to properly swaddle a newborn:

  • Place your chosen swaddle blanket on a flat, safe surface, such as the floor. 
  • Arrange the blanket in a flat diamond shape. 
  • Lay the blanket flat with the top of the diamond facing down. 
  • Gently lay your baby on his or her back on the light blanket. 
  • Gently lower your baby’s right arm by the armpit and wrap that side of the blanket around the left side of the right arm to the forehead. 
  • Fold the blanket tightly under the left armpit. 
  • Be careful to keep the hips aligned. 
  • Roll gently but tightly so that your baby’s legs don’t interfere with the natural frog-like position of your baby’s legs, making him feel cozy and secure. 
  • Make sure not to cover the neck and face. 
  • Lift the bottom corner of the blanket and fold it over your baby’s shoulders. 
  • Bring your baby’s left arm down and to the side, and wrap the blanket over the left arm and across the forehead to the other side of the body. 
  • Place the blanket around the back of your baby’s right armpit. 
  • You now have your own little burrito.

How long can my baby stay in their swaddle?

How often should you swaddle a newborn? Once your baby shows signs of being able to roll over, it’s time to put away his wraps and stop swaddling him, as continuing to do so increases the risk of suffocation. Babies usually start rolling over around 3 to 4 months old, but some babies may start earlier. So, watch your baby and give him space to roll over as he pleases.

What are the Potential Risks of Swaddling?

How often should you swaddle a newborn? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, swaddling is an effective way to calm your baby and promote sleep when done correctly, this is like the benefits of massage for infants. The risks that may result from swaddling a newborn are as follows:

1. Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Swaddling a newborn has been shown to increase your baby’s risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and suffocation, especially if he is placed on his stomach to sleep, or if he rolls over on his stomach during sleep.

2. Developmental hip dislocation

If the swaddle is too tight on the legs and feet, it can damage the cartilage in the knees and hips, causing developmental hip dislocation.

3. Risk of overheating the baby

If the baby is wrapped in too many blankets, or in very heavy or thick covers, or if it is wrapped too tightly, this increases the likelihood of your baby overheating, which can cause the following:

  • Sweating.
  • Wet hair.
  • Red cheeks.
  • Heat rash.
  • Rapid breathing

How do you transition out of a swaddle?

On the contrary of How often should you swaddle a newborn? Transitioning from swaddling is something that the Lovetodream range understands very well. So here are the most prominent steps;

  • Gently remove the swaddle from the arms. Be gentle while doing this so that your child does not become upset.
  • Remove the swaddle as soon as your baby starts sleeping, and if you continue in this position, you must take into account the leg space to allow him to move around inside the swaddle.
  • If your baby is used to sleeping without a swaddle, you should leave him immediately.

How do I get my baby to sleep without being swaddled?

How often should you swaddle a newborn? Even if you find a method that works for your baby, such as swaddling, it can be difficult to accept the change. Here are some tips from experts on how to transition from swaddling to a new sleeping method: 

1. Use transition bags and bodysuits 

Transition bags and bodysuits are designed to help with how often should you swaddle a newborn. The zippered wings allow you to remove one arm at a time, giving your baby more freedom of movement without losing the comfort of swaddling; For year-round use, choose from seasonal fabric colors and four sizes: small (3.5-6 kg), medium (6-8.5 kg), large (8.5-11 kg) and extra large (11-14 kg).

2. Establish a routine With or without swaddling

Establishing a safe bedtime routine can help get them used to sleeping. Different families use different methods, such as reading a bedtime story or using white noise. An hour before bedtime, try to keep the lights in the room to a minimum. 

3. White noise 

Some parents and caregivers like to use white noise to soothe babies during transitions. If you want to try it, keep it at least 2 meters away from the crib or bed, make sure the volume does not exceed 50 decibels, and keep it out of reach at all times.


Also Read: How to decrease the risk of SIDS


Lana’s Guide: Swaddling Your Newborn the Right Way

If you are wondering how often you should swaddle a newborn, And about how often should you swaddle a newborn breast? Here is this guide presented by Lana Life Care;

  • Lay the swaddle cloth flat on a specific surface, then fold the top corner down.
  • Place your baby with his head on top of the corner you folded down, then place His right arm straight out to his side.
  • Bring the corner of the swaddle from the right arm side to his body and place it between the left side of his body and his left arm.
  • Fold the bottom corner of the swaddle from the leg side toward his body.
  • Grab the left corner of the swaddle and wrap it around the right side of his body.


In conclusion, swaddling has many benefits and risks, and in this guide, we will help you know how often should you swaddle a newborn breast? And how often should you swaddle a newborn? As well as the correct and safe way to swaddle your baby.


How to safely swaddle and dress your baby?

We have mentioned the steps for safe swaddling in the paragraphs above.

At what age would you stop swaddling your baby?

You can do this starting from 4 months, as your baby’s hands are rolling.

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