How To Decrease The Risk Of SIDS

How to decrease the risk of SIDS? Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden, unexplained death of an infant younger than 1 year of age that cannot be explained by a thorough investigation of the case, including an autopsy, scene of death, and review of the clinical history. SIDS is sometimes referred to as crib death because the death is usually associated with sleep and often occurs while the baby is sleeping in the crib. SIDS is sometimes referred to as cot death because the death is usually associated with sleep and often occurs while the baby is sleeping in the crib.

What is SIDS?

It is the sudden, unexplained death of a baby younger than 1 year of age for which there is no known cause even after a full investigation, including a complete autopsy, examination of the death scene, and review of the clinical history. The most likely theory is that infants who die from SIDS have an underlying weakness (such as a specific genetic pattern or hidden brain abnormalities).

They are exposed to an environmental trigger (such as an unsafe sleeping position, an unsafe sleeping environment, maternal smoking during pregnancy or after birth, exposure to secondhand smoke, or an infection early in the development of the brain or immune system). Through the following paragraphs, we will learn more about how to decrease the risk of SIDS.

Why Is Stomach Sleeping Dangerous?

Speaking about how to decrease the risk of SIDS? Sleeping on the baby’s stomach can be dangerous, especially during the first months of life, as it causes some side effects, including:

  • Inability to breathe normally, especially if the face is buried in the mattress or blankets.
  • High body temperature, which increases the risk of SIDS.
  • Increased carbon dioxide levels and decreased oxygen levels in the body.

What Causes SIDS?

When it comes to How to decrease the risk of SIDS? The actual cause of SIDS is still unknown, but some doctors believe that a defect or change in certain genes in the baby causes the development of certain health problems that may lead to sudden death.

Some babies have problems with parts of the brain that control breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and waking up from sleep and speaking about How common is SIDS? Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is most common between one and four months of age and can last up to a year.


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Who Is at Risk for SIDS?

If you are searching for how to decrease the risk of SIDS? Researchers have identified several factors that may increase the risk, including:

  • Age, with babies between two and four months of age most at risk.
  • Smoking, with babies living with smokers at higher risk.
  • Infection, with many babies who die recently having an infection, which can contribute to breathing problems.

Risk factors

If you are looking for how to decrease the risk of SIDS? Many factors increase the risk of SIDS, including:

  • Age, with babies between one and four months of age most at risk.
  • Ethnicity, with SIDS occurring more often in certain races, such as African Americans.
  • Premature babies, or babies who are low birth weight.
  • Family history, as the risk of sudden death increases in children who have siblings or relatives who have suffered from this syndrome.
  • Maternal health, as the risk of sudden death increases in children of mothers who smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs during pregnancy, or during the first year of the child’s life.
  • If you are searching for how to reduce the risk of SIDS? The risk also increases in children of mothers who give birth before the age of twenty and in children of mothers who do not receive adequate health care during pregnancy.
  • Sleeping on the stomach, sudden death increases significantly in children who sleep on their stomachs, or on their sides, as this makes it easier for them to roll over onto their stomachs, compared to children who sleep on their backs. Some researchers believe that the reason behind this is that sleeping on the stomach may cause airway obstruction and breathing problems. 

When is SIDS most common?

When it comes to how to decrease the risk of SIDS? 90% of deaths from SIDS occur within the first six months of life, with the rate peaking between one and four months. Death occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, usually during sleep. In most cases, the baby appears to be healthy before death.


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How to Decrease the Risk of SIDS: 7 Simple Steps Every Parent Should Know

How to decrease the risk of SIDS? There’s no surefire way to prevent SIDS. But you can help your baby sleep more safely with these tips:

1. Sleep on your back

If you are looking for how to decrease the risk of SIDS?Put your baby to sleep in the correct position for him or her, on his or her back. Always put him or her to sleep on his or her back every time you or someone else puts him or her to sleep during the first year of life. Don’t trust others to put your baby to sleep in the correct position; instead, make sure they do it. This method won’t be necessary once your baby begins to roll over in both directions without help.

2. Avoid putting your baby to sleep on his or her stomach or side

Ask your caregiver to use the tummy position only when he or she is in the same room with your baby and both are awake. Short “tummy time” periods help build your baby’s muscles. But never leave your baby alone during these tummy time periods.

3. Keep your baby’s crib as clear as possible

Use a firm, flat mattress. Make sure the mattress is not tilted at an angle greater than 10 degrees. Avoid placing your baby on thick bedding, such as a quilted comforter or a thick duvet. Don’t leave pillows, toys, or stuffed animals in the crib, as these can cause breathing problems if your baby presses his or her face against them.

4. Avoid overheating your baby

If you are searching for how to decrease the risk of SIDS? Try using a sleeping bag to keep your baby warm, or dress him or her in several layers of clothing instead of a blanket. Don’t cover your baby’s head.

5. Sleeping in your room

Your baby should sleep in your parents’ room if possible, but not in the same bed. Instead, have your baby sleep in a crib or bassinet with a crib mattress. Your baby should sleep in the same room with you for at least six months.

6. Adult beds aren’t safe for babies

Babies can get stuck and suffocate in the headboard space — the space between the mattress and the bed frame. They can also get stuck in the space between the mattress and the wall. A baby can also suffocate if a parent accidentally rolls over and covers the baby’s nose and mouth.

7. Breastfeed whenever possible

Breastfeeding for at least six months reduces the risk of SIDS. If you need support and assistance, Lana Life Care for Home Health Care Services will help you through a newborn care service.

Note; the most important part is how to decrease the risk of SIDS. Avoid using baby monitors and other commercial devices that claim to reduce the risk of SIDS. The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages the use of monitors and similar devices. These devices do not prevent SIDS and should not be used as a substitute for safe sleep practices.

SIDS vs SUID: What’s the Difference?

The difference between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SUID) and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) can sometimes be confusing for parents and professionals. However, SIDS is a broad term that includes all cases of sudden infant death. In many cases, these deaths are thought to be the result of accidental suffocation or strangulation due to unsafe sleeping arrangements. Although infant deaths are a sad occurrence, the risk of SIDS can be reduced by creating a safe sleeping environment.


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Safeguard Your Newborn’s Safety with Lana Life Care

Our home nurses are well-trained and experienced in providing all Home Health Care for your beloved baby. While being your guide and friend, they can provide excellent services including sterilization and preparation of bottles, feeding, soothing and swaddling, complete night care, relief and prevention of colic and reflux, diaper changing, etc. While taking care of your baby, they will ease your anxiety and provide you with emotional support.

Lana Life Care provides excellent newborn care to our clients. We understand how anxious new mothers are and how difficult it is to deal with the stress of postpartum. Lana Life Care will provide you with trained professionals who will be your guide and friend.

They can provide excellent services including sterilization and preparation of bottles, feeding, soothing and swaddling, complete night care, relief and prevention of colic and reflux, diaper changing, etc. While taking care of your baby, they will ease your anxiety and provide you with emotional support.


At the conclusion of the text, it is worth noting that there are no clear reasons for protection against sudden infant death, but there are many factors that help you protect your child, so in this guide, Lana Life Care has provided many tips for mothers and for all those looking for how to decrease the risk of SIDS?


How many babies die from SIDS?

The number of children is estimated at about 2,300 children annually.

Why does SIDS peak at 2-4 months?

The reason for this is due to the rate of growth of the child’s brain and brain tissue during this period.

Can you prevent SIDS from happening?

There are some tips and steps that will help you protect your child, including avoiding sleeping on the stomach for a long time.

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