Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: What You Need to Know

Sexual contact is one of the ways in which many infectious diseases are transmitted, and according to the Centers for Disease Control, there are more than 20 known types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) that occur as a result of bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. 

These diseases cause a range of annoying symptoms, however, sexually transmitted diseases can be treated by knowing the cause of the infection and adhering to the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor. 

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Different Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases are infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact between an infected party and a healthy one, and are transmitted through blood through unsterilized needles or from mother to fetus during childbirth, or through semen or vaginal fluids. 

The genital areas are moist environments suitable for the growth of bacteria and viruses and suitable for the transmission of diseases through them, but not every disease transmitted through sexual contact is considered an STD.

For example, meningitis is a sexually transmitted disease, but it is not considered a sexually transmitted disease because it can be transmitted in other ways, such as through the infected person’s spray, coughing, or using his personal tools.

Sexually transmitted infection symptoms

Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases may not be accompanied by any symptoms, but any of them may be accompanied by some signs and symptoms, so here are the Symptoms of STD in male:

  • Bumps and sores around the mouth, anus, vagina, or penis.
  • Redness and swelling around the vagina or penis.
  • Skin rash.
  • Pain accompanying urination.
  • Yellowing of the skin.
  • Vaginal or penis discharge.
  • Vaginal bleeding other than the menstrual period.
  • Pain accompanying intercourse.
  • Severe itching in the vagina or penis.


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Underlying STD causes

Speaking about Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. More than 250 diseases are transmitted during sexual intercourse and are caused by different causes, including:

  • Bacterial diseases: such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.
  • Viral diseases: such as: Herpes, Condyloma, Hepatitis, and AIDS.
  • Parasites: Trichomonas, and Pediculosis pubis.

Top 9 Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Here are the Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases;


AIDS is transmitted through sexual intercourse and is caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. This virus destroys the body’s ability to resist infection. It is mainly spread through sexual activity. It is also transmitted through sharing needles among intravenous drug users. The immune system of AIDS patients is weak and their bodies cannot resist the disease well. Fever and severe fatigue are early signs of AIDS.


Genital herpes affects a large number of people who have illicit sex. In the United States alone, about 60 million people are infected with the disease. Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus.

The main sign of herpes is painful blisters or open sores in the genital area. Before the blisters or sores appear, the patient feels numbness or a burning sensation in the genital area, lower extremities, and buttocks.

3.Genital warts

Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus is related to the virus that causes common skin warts. Genital warts initially appear as small, hard, painless bumps on the vulva, penis, or around the anus. 

If left untreated, they can grow and turn into small, fleshy lumps that resemble cauliflower. In addition to causing genital warts, certain types of HPV can cause cancer of the cervix and other genital areas. There is currently a vaccine to protect women from HPV infection.


Gonorrhea is among types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases caused by bacteria and can be treated with powerful modern antibiotics. The most common symptoms of gonorrhea are:

  • Discharge from the vagina or penis.
  • Pain or difficulty urinating.


Syphilis is caused by a bacterial infection, like gonorrhea and chlamydia. At the beginning of the disease, the patient may not feel that he has syphilis because the symptoms are usually mild and can disappear suddenly.

One of the symptoms that appears early in those infected with syphilis is the appearance of a painless open sore that can be on the penis, around or inside the vagina, near the mouth, near the anus, or on the hands.

6.Pubic lice

Pubic lice are the most common STD. These lice infect pubic hair and live by sucking blood from the body. They are spread through sexual activity, but they can be transmitted through the use of contaminated clothing or contaminated objects and tools such as toilet seats and blankets.

7.Human papillomavirus

HPV is an infection that occurs along with genital warts, which can cause cervical cancer. There are about 40 strains of HPV, but most do not cause cancer.

8.Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the lining of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, or uterus. It can affect a woman’s fertility, causing ectopic pregnancies or chronic pelvic pain. It is caused by the spread of infection through the cervix, and is often associated with sexually transmitted infections and diseases.


Endometritis is caused by bacteria such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and a number of bacteria that infect the vagina. It often occurs after childbirth or surgery that involves the cervix. If left untreated, these infections can lead to more serious complications, inflammation, and infections of the pelvic organs, in addition to affecting fertility and overall health.


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STDs and pregnancy

Whaen it comes to types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, some types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases can be passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy or childbirth, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and syphilis. STIs in infants can cause serious problems or even lead to death. Therefore, all pregnant women should be tested for these types of infections and treated as needed.

Tips for STD prevention

Although some STDs can be treated, others cannot be eliminated, so it is necessary to prevent different types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and this is done by following the following prevention methods:

1.Avoid sexual intercourse with an infected person

The partner may not be aware that the other party has a sexually transmitted disease, but he can notice the presence of sores on the genitals or a rash in this area, so he can avoid sexual intercourse until examinations are conducted, and the cause of these sores is known.

2.Use a condom during intimate practice

One way to prevent the different types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, is to use a condom, as the condom helps reduce the chances of sexual transmission of infections to both men and women.

3.Avoid sharing towels and underwear

Towels and underwear can cause the transmission of different types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and skin diseases, so one way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases is to avoid exchanging these tools with anyone else.

4.Go to the doctor if any symptoms appear

Visiting the doctor and conducting tests to find out the cause of any symptoms related to the genital area will help detect the problem early and treat it.

5.Periodic follow-up with the doctor

Even if there is no health problem, it is recommended to follow up periodically with the doctor to examine the genital area and ensure that it is not infected with any diseases. This is a very important preventive measure in preventing different types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

6.Maintaining the cleanliness of the genital area

Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases result from bacterial, viral or parasitic infections, so maintaining its cleanliness will protect it from any contagious health problems, and this is done through some things:

  • Cleaning and disinfecting the genital area well: by using a medical wash designated for this area.
  • Showering after sexual intercourse: This helps avoid infections and fungi.
  • Changing sanitary pads regularly for women: during a woman’s menstrual period or if she uses daily pads.

7.Vaccination against sexually transmitted diseases

An effective way to prevent types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases is to get vaccinated against the types of viruses that cause some types of sexually transmitted diseases. The most prominent of these vaccinations are:

  • Vaccination against the human papillomavirus.
  • Vaccination against the hepatitis virus.

8.Staying away from illegal sexual practices

You must stay away from any illegal sexual practice, as these practices are the main reason for the spread and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases most of the time.

What is the difference between STD and STI?

The first thing to understand is that STI stands for “sexually transmitted infection” and STD stands for “sexually transmitted disease.” At first glance, the two terms may seem almost identical. In fact, many healthcare organizations and healthcare professionals use the terms to mean the same thing. However, if you think about it for a moment, you will realize that “infection” and “disease” refer to two different things. 

In the medical community, an infection is defined as an invasion of the body by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Infections cause symptoms and complications and alter the body’s normal functioning, but by definition they are not dependent on that. Diseases, on the other hand, cause specific health complications. Simply put, an STD is an infection in the broadest sense, and an STD itself does not necessarily develop into a disease. 

An infection or contagion does not cause symptoms or health problems. Of the two terms, STI is somewhat less specific, and some health professionals want to eliminate bias against sexually transmitted diseases. For this reason, websites such as the NHS and the Family Planning Association (FPA) do not seem to use the term “STI”. 

Ultimately, we shouldn’t stress ourselves out trying to understand the subtle differences between these terms. What’s important is that people are aware of the symptoms of STIs and STIs and learn how best to protect themselves.


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std test at home dubai by Lana Life Care

Most people with Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases don’t have symptoms, so you can’t know if “most people” have the infection unless they’re tested! It’s important to get tested in order to get treatment, because untreated STD can over time lead to complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women, epididymitis/orchitis in men, and untreated HIV complications in both men and women.


Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases are a group of diseases that are transmitted primarily through sexual contact, and include a wide range of diseases such as: syphilis, vaginitis, hepatitis B and C, herpes, and HIV. To protect ourselves and society, we must prevent infection with these diseases by following the prevention methods that we mentioned in this article. We must also know the Symptoms of STD in male and Symptoms of STD in male and go to the doctor for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Therefore, Lana Life Care for Home Health Care Services In Dubai provides std test at home dubai, so that you do not feel ashamed when you are with those around you, as many women and men are vulnerable to contracting such diseases.


Can I live a normal life with an STI?

Of course yes, as most sexually transmitted diseases show their symptoms in the long term.

What is the most serious STD?

AIDS is considered one of the most dangerous types of sexually transmitted diseases.

What STD can only females get?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is usually caused by an untreated sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. Non-sexually transmitted infections can also be the cause.

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