Premature Baby Care At Home

Caring for a baby is difficult enough, but caring for a premature baby is even more difficult. Before every baby arrives, every parent would have done a lot of research, but the parent can become a little too concerned when the bundle of joy comes much before the due date. This is why, even at home, we recommend competent medical care like the one your baby had in the hospital. As a result, mothers  will be able to relax and unwind after the surgery.

The baby’s care and complications differ depending on how early they are born and how small they are. Our nurses are well-trained and experienced in caring for any type of premature babies. They will assist you in taking all necessary precautions, providing a clean and safe environment for you and your baby. Even if you have an expert, here are a few things you can do to guarantee that your angel is in the best possible health and that everything is handled right.


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1.Feeding your baby

Giving exclusive mother feeds is the best thing to do because it is not only nourishing but also contains a variety of nutrients that will protect them from infection and prevent a variety of other long-term problems in the future.

Sometimes your baby will have difficulty latching or will be unable to latch at all. Breast milk can be pumped and fed via a bottle. If you’re a first-time mom, it’s normal to be nervous the first few times you pump milk. Don’t worry; our nurses will assist you throughout the procedure.

In some situations, your doctor may recommend that you feed your baby formula milk, which may be a special formula milk for premature babies.

 2. Sticking to a feeding schedule

Premature babies need eight to ten feedings every day. As a result, make sure your infant is fed at regular intervals. If you leave a gap of more than four hours between feedings, your baby’s chances of dehydration may increase, which can be dangerous.

Premature newborns may require breast milk for a more extended period than regular babies. As they’ve been caring for babies for a long time,our home nurses will be able to assist you with this. They can also assist you with your holding posture and show you how to hold the baby while feeding correctly.

3. Keeping a record of your baby’s growth 

Premature newborns have a distinct growth pattern than full-term babies. They do, however, eventually catch up. Your doctor may offer you a separate growing chart to track your baby’s development; all you have to do is to keep track of it.

4. Keeping in touch with your doctor 

Keep in touch with your baby’s doctor on a regular basis and ask for advice on how to care for your child after every stage. These infants will be prescribed vitamins to take on a regular basis, depending on how early they are born and how preterm they are. They must attend a series of follow-up sessions as well in order to conduct various tests, including regular screening tests.

5. Keeping track of your baby’s vision

Premature babies are more likely to have crossed eyes than full-term babies. If your kid has this problem, your doctor may advise you to take him or her to an optometrist. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROI) is an eye illness that affects premature babies and causes abnormal growth of the tiny blood vessels in the eye. ROP is a condition that can be treated to help avoid vision loss. If your doctor suspects your baby has ROP, they will suggest taking your baby to the optometrists for regular checkups. ROP should be treated immediately to help keep eyesight from deteriorating.

6. Monitoring your baby’s hearing 

Premature babies may have a higher risk of developing hearing problems. You can test your baby’s hearing by making noises behind or to the side of them to make sure they’re fine. Inform your doctor right away if you discover your baby doesn’t seem to hear you.

7. Taking care of your baby’s sleep requirements 

Premature newborns are expected to sleep throughout the day, but you must continually monitor their sleeping position. Ensure that your child sleeps on a firm mattress with no pillows. Always put your baby to sleep on their back, not on their stomach.

Your sleep is just as important as your baby’s. We have nurses who can take good care of both the baby and the mother after delivery, so you won’t have to worry about anything and relax.

8. Giving solid food 

Premature newborns may have difficulty swallowing solid food, so you may need to wait a bit longer before giving them solid food. Your doctor may suggest starting solid foods approximately 4-6 months after your baby’s expected delivery date, rather than her actual birth date.

9. Limiting Your baby’s outdoor visits 

As we’re in the middle of a pandemic, it is best not to take your baby out because they are more susceptible to the virus. The immune systems of preterm newborns are weakened. You may have to refrain from taking your infant out for a long time now, aside from trips to the doctor.

For a while, keep your baby away from soft toys that collect dust, as these might cause illnesses. Wrap your baby in a towel after their bath as well, as they get cold more quickly. Cotton wool can be used to clean around the neck and diaper area for the first few weeks.

10. Practicing Kangaroo care at home

It’s a good idea to practice kangaroo care at home for a few weeks as well. Kangaroo mother care is a cuddle style that keeps the baby near to the chest and heart, allowing the baby to grow and accept feeds more efficiently. This will also assist your baby in quickly acclimatizing to their new surroundings. If you’re a father who wants to help out, this is something you can do. 

Though premature kids require special attention, they will reach all developmental milestones in the same amount of time as full-term babies. To assist your baby’s growth, continue to seek advice from your doctor.

Lana Life cares expert Premature baby care.

In Dubai, Lana Life Care delivers dependable and trustworthy premature newborn care. We will provide you with the best service in the UAE by ensuring that our nurses are well-trained and educated before they begin service. We provide a variety of service packages to assist you in providing the best post-surgery care for the mother and child.

We have 24*7 baby care, part-time baby care and even just day or nighttime support. All of these service packages can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. These packages are designed to provide you with the best professional team at the most economical costs for as long as you require them.

We also provide various services that allow us to begin caring for you from the start of your pregnancy to the end, ensuring that everything goes according to plan and that all health and safety precautions are taken as advised by experts.

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