Best Exercise Physical Therapy For Golf Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow is a common sports injury that causes pain in the forearm area and is common in people who use their wrists frequently, so it is easy to confuse it with tennis elbow. In both golf and tennis, injuries can occur and that is why it is essential to know the differences in order to make a diagnosis and start the physical therapy for golf elbow indicated by a specialist. So in the following lines we will discuss how to start physical therapy for golf elbow.

What is golfer’s elbow?

Golfer’s Elbow (Epitrochleitis, medial epicondylitis or flexor pronator syndrome) is an injury to the tendons of the upper extremities that causes pain in the elbow and forearm. Golfer’s Elbow with which this disease is indexed is due to the fact that it is a common condition in those who practice golf. When the wrists are bent and flexed to give force to the stroke, the tendons can be strained and generate inflammation in the area that causes pain.

People who suffer from Golfer’s Elbow suffer from discomfort due to the tearing of the tendons on the inside and top of the forearm, near the elbow. This is a sensitive area because it is where the tendon attaches to the bone and that is why its symptoms can be easily noticed.

Among the main risk factors for Golfer’s Elbow are age, playing sports that involve hand movements or doing repetitive activity for at least two hours a day. People who use tobacco or are obese are also more likely to suffer from this injury.

Golfer’s Elbow should not be confused with tennis elbow, because they are completely opposite. The difference between tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow is that they lie where the injury occurred. While Golfer’s Elbow hurts on the inside, tennis elbow hurts on the outside.

Exercise tips for golfer’s elbow

Physical therapy for golf elbow aims to relieve pain and facilitate the healing process as follows:

  • Rest or suspend golf or other repetitive activities until the pain goes away. This will help reduce elbow pain
  • Ice or ice massage to reduce swelling and Golfer’s Elbow pain.
  • Protect the area with bandages or supports to reduce the load on your elbow
  • Facilitate tissue repair using methods such as ultrasound or laser therapy
  • Kinesiotaping helps relieve pressure, relax muscles, and may increase circulation
  • Gradual stretching, strengthening, and flexibility exercises are effective in restoring normal range of motion and muscle strength
  • Gradually returning to activities
  • Changing equipment or modifying activities that cause pain


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How Can a Physical Therapist Help?

Physical therapy for golf elbow is an integral part of treating the condition. Your therapist will work with you to stretch and strengthen the muscles around your elbow to help reduce pain and improve range of motion. They may also use methods such as heat or ice to help reduce Golfer’s Elbow pain.

How Do You Treat Tennis Elbow? 

Your physical therapy for golf elbow will work with you to stretch and strengthen the muscles around your elbow. They may also use methods such as heat or ice to help reduce inflammation. They may also use electrical stimulation or ultrasound to help speed up the healing process in some cases.

What Kind of Physical Therapist Do I Need?

When it comes to physical therapy for golf elbow, there are several ways to help with your Golfer’s Elbow recovery. Your doctor will guide you through specific exercises that will help you recover and speed up the healing process.


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Golfer’s elbow recovery time

Golfer’s Elbow is a condition that improves spontaneously over time without treatment, as long as activities that aggravate the elbow are stopped or reduced. The recovery period for physical therapy for golf elbow ranges from 6 months to 2 years. At Lana Life Care, we provide physical therapy services for Golfer’s Elbow, not only that, but for shoulder pain physiotherapy as well.

7 Exercises for Physical Therapy for Golf Elbow

In addition to physical therapy for golf elbow, here are the most prominent exercises that help you relieve the pain of Golfer’s Elbow injury:

1.Wrist flexion 

Wrist flexion is a great exercise to build forearm strength. Here are the steps to do wrist flexion exercises;

  • They can be done with small weights such as dumbbells. 
  • Large weights are not necessary to increase the training effect. 
  • Good form is important. 
  • Hold a dumbbell or barbell in one hand. 
  • Bend your wrists upward as you exhale. 
  • Slowly and under control, extend your wrists downward comfortably as you inhale. 
  • Return to a neutral position. 

2.Isometric Wrist Flexion Exercise

Isometric wrist flexion exercises are convenient because they can be done on your own without equipment. The principle of wrist flexion is that no movement occurs, but tension and resistance are provided by an arm or hand that resists the other arm or hand. How to do it: 

  • Make a fist with your palm facing up. 
  • Bend your wrist upward. 
  • Resist the movement with your other hand. 
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds. 
  • Return to a neutral position and repeat 3-4 times. 

3.Standard wrist extension 

Similar to standard wrist extension, but in reverse. Make a clenched fist with your palm facing up. Wrist extension. Resist the wrist movement with the opposite hand. Hold for 10 seconds. Return to neutral position. 

4.Resistant Wrist Extension Exercise 

Resistant wrist extension Exercise can be performed in a variety of ways using resistance bands and small weights (either dumbbells or a ball). This exercise can be combined with static wrist flexion by alternating flexion and extension. 

5.Flexion/Lying Forearm Flexion Exercise:

Place your hand palm up or lying on the floor. With control, slowly rotate your hand palm down or lying on the floor. Repeat this position alternately 15 times. You can add small weights if necessary to increase resistance. 

6.Shoulder Wall Slide Exercise 

The shoulder wall slide exercise requires a solid wall. This position is done as follows. 

  • Stand straight against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Bend both elbows to 90 degrees.
  • Press your arms and back against the wall. 
  • Raise both hands toward the ceiling. 
  • At this point, lower your back and place your hands on the wall with your knees bent. 
  • Hold this up position for 10 seconds. 
  • Return to neutral.

7.Wrist flexion Using a resistance band

Wrist flexion Using a resistance band and a small weight (either dumbbells or a ball), the wrist flexion exercise can be performed in a variety of ways. 


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Home remedies to relieve golfer’s elbow and encourage healing

Golfer’s Elbow pain represents a major inconvenience for the patient, so here are the most prominent recommendations that help relieve Golfer’s Elbow pain:


  • Avoid repetitive activities, such as golf, until the pain subsides. Immediate resumption of activity may worsen symptoms. 

Apply ice to the affected area;

  • Apply an ice pack to the elbow for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, 3 to 4 times a day for several days. 

Use a chiropractor;

  • Your doctor may recommend wearing a force-resistant brace on the affected arm to reduce stress on the tendons and muscles. 
  • Stretch and strengthen the affected area. 
  • Your doctor may recommend stretching and strengthening exercises. 

Can This Injury or Condition Be Prevented?

  • Strengthening your arm muscles, as this is thought to increase the muscles’ ability to absorb stress and may help reduce the risk of golf elbow.
  • Warm up properly before starting your sporting activity.
  • Practice stretching exercises before exercising.
  • Use proper technique when hitting or throwing the ball. 
  • Consult a sports medicine specialist or trainer.
  • When lifting weights, whether at home or at the gym, be careful not to lift more weight than you can handle. 
  • Make sure your wrist stays stable during the exercise, which reduces stress on the elbow and helps in Pain management


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Physical Therapy for Golf Elbow at Lana Life Care

One of the best Golfers elbow treatment for Golfer’s Elbow is physiotherapy sessions at home. A physical therapist can teach you exercises that can help strengthen your forearm muscles and improve your range of motion. They can also use techniques such as massage, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation to reduce pain and inflammation. In addition to physical therapy, rest and ice can also be effective in relieving pain and swelling.

If you are looking for a quality medical center to help you get the best treatment for Golfer’s Elbow pain, Lana Life Care is the perfect choice. Lana Life Care is a leading Home Health Care Services In Dubai, offering a range of treatments for different conditions. Their team of highly trained medical professionals can help you find the best treatment option for your individual needs.


In conclusion, if you are suffering from Golfer’s Elbow, there are a variety of Golfers elbow treatment options available to you, such as; physical therapy for golf elbow, rest, ice, and wearing braces are all effective ways to reduce pain and inflammation. If your symptoms are severe or persistent, your doctor may recommend other treatments. Don’t delay in seeking help – the sooner you seek help, the better your chances of making a full recovery. You may consider contacting Lana Life Care for care and treatment for your Golfer’s Elbow pain.


Does physical therapy work for golfers’ elbows?

physical therapy for golf elbow is effective in getting rid of elbow pain, but this also depends on the size and level of the injury.

What is the fastest way to fix a golfer’s elbow?

It is worth noting that there are many treatment options for Golfer’s Elbow, but the most appropriate one is chosen according to the patient’s condition.

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