How to Take Care of a Newborn Baby?

All of us  need a little bit of help in getting started with the care of their newborn baby. How to take care of your newborn baby? All you need to know is about sleeping, breastfeeding and crying. For first-time parents, the first few months with a newborn can be chaotic and overwhelming. Regarding newborn baby care, you’ll hear a variety of contradictory opinions from a variety of sources. When it comes to baby care, it can be difficult to know what advice to follow. In addition to being exhausting and difficult, caring for a baby can be a delightful and worthwhile experience. Here are some newborn baby care tips that can create pleasant parenthood!

Eating habits

The timely feeding of the newborn is essential. When nursing a newborn, you must feed the baby every 2 to 3 hours, which means 8-12 times in 24 hours. A newborn infant should only be given breast milk for the first six months. For a baby’s survival and growth, breast milk includes nutrients and antibodies that are essential to its life and development. For at least 10 minutes, breastfeed the baby. As soon as your baby begins sucking, hold the breast close to the baby’s lips. As long as the infant is properly attached, the mother won’t feel any pain in her breasts. It is normal for the breast to feel less full after the infant has finished feeding. This suggests that the baby is getting enough milk to develop properly. A doctor-recommended formula can be used if breast milk is not an option. 60 to 90 ml of formula should be given to the baby at each feeding.

Interruptions by the Visitors

Your family and friends may want to visit, but you may want to keep them at bay for a while as this can reduce the risks of infections that are easily transmitted from people, and you and your spouse can spend some time alone with your kid. This is the greatest moment to bond with your child because the newborn is usually aware and receptive just after birth. Whenever the baby is close to your body, he or she will be familiar with your voice and may find it comforting.

Having a burp

If you haven’t burped your baby yet, it’s time to do so. Air is swallowed by babies as they are eating, causing them to have gas and distress in their stomachs. This excess air is expelled through burping, which aids in digestion and prevents spit-ups and stomach colic from happening. Using one hand, gently hold the newborn towards your chest, and it would be perfect if the baby rested his or her chin on your shoulder. Then, softly pat the baby’s back with your other hand and wait for the burp.

The Best Way to Hold a Newborn

While holding your infant, you should support the baby’s head and neck with one hand. The neck muscles aren’t strong enough to keep the baby’s head erect on its own. Still, as growth is in progress, the backbone is also expanding and becoming more solid. Only after 3 months of age will the neck be able to support the head on its own. When you’re taking care of a newborn baby, be sure to support the baby’s head and neck.

Your Baby’s Clothing

Even if you choose a gorgeous dress, keep in mind that babies cannot regulate their body temperature until they’re roughly six months old. As a result, dress your newborn with care. Inside or out, he or she should be dressed to feel warm. Be careful not to over-wrap, as excessive sweating can cause the baby to become cold. 


As a new mother, changing a newborn’s diapers regularly is a need. The baby will wet at least six diapers in a day if she’s fed with enough breast milk or other formula food. Whenever the baby’s diaper feels full, it should be changed immediately. Change it at least 10 times a day or whenever needed. An old diaper can be easily changed with a changing sheet, gentle wipes and baby powder. Prevent urinary tract infections by wiping your baby front-to-back instead of back-to-front. Let your kid go without a diaper for a few hours a day if you’re comfortable with it.

How to Care for a Newborn?

When playing with your baby, keep a few things in mind. The delicate internal organs of your infant can be injured by forceful shaking. Baby-throwing can lead to serious injury. Wash your hands before handling the baby as their immune systems are not fully formed, and they can become infected easily. Use a stroller, a car seat or a baby carrier to keep your child safe when you are out. For a few minutes each day, have your infant lie on his or her stomach. The Baby’s neck and back muscles will become stronger as a result of this. In addition, it will improve his or her vision because they will have to look upwards and sideways. 

Sleep schedule 

In the first two months, a newborn baby should sleep for at least 16 hours a day. They sleep for 2 to 4 hours at a time and only wake up when they are hungry or wet. Due to the baby’s feeding schedule, you may have to wake the baby up in the middle of the night to feed him or her. Even if they don’t sleep according to the ideal newborn sleep schedule, don’t worry because every newborn is unique and has a separate sleep cycle. Remember to rotate your baby’s head while he or she is sleeping as well to keep them comfortable. 

Taking care of the baby’s nails

Babies’ nails grow quite quickly. Their hand movements may cause them to scuff the baby’s face or other parts of their body. Thus, you should maintain your baby’s nails short. Use baby nail clippers since an infant’s nails are very delicate. Whenever possible, cut the baby’s nails softly while he or she is asleep. Do not clip the nails too deeply, as they are very sensitive and could cause pain. 


Newborn bathing is an extremely delicate process. Bathing a healthy infant who weighs more than 2500 g normally takes place between two and six hours after the baby is born. Bathing can be put off in certain circumstances, such as the colder months of the year, if necessary. As soon as the umbilical cord stump falls off, you should begin washing your baby. When it is time to bathe the baby, make sure you have all of the bathings and changing necessities on hand. Babies sleep better when they have a bath right before night. A baby bathtub, lukewarm water, a washcloth and a soft towel, baby lotion or cream, a new diaper and clean clothes are required. Assist your spouse by holding the baby’s neck and head above the water while the other bathes the baby. Soap should be used sparingly, if at all possible. If there is any dried mucous around the baby’s nose, use the washcloth to clean the baby’s face. Lukewarm water should be used to wash your baby’s body. Once this is done, dry the baby’s body with a soft towel, apply moisturiser and put on a fresh diaper and baby clothing.

Umbilical Cord

In a few weeks, it will shrivel and fall off; therefore it’s important to keep it clean and dry. Keep the cord region free of diapers and do sponge washes until the stump falls off.

Lana Life Care provides the best assistance for parenthood and has expert caregivers who are fully aware of the best for your baby. The shift from the hospital to your home may be difficult since you have a new human being who requires your aid with everything. Our skilled caregivers understand what is best for both the newborn and the mother. Our female caretakers will aid you in integrating the new baby into your everyday lives and schedules by providing expert guidance and assistance so that you can ease yourself and enjoy your parenthood. We will assist you in understanding your child better and will provide appropriate counsel to ensure safe parenting. 

Lana Life Care experts strive to provide the best post-natal care for both the newborn and the mother. We provide correct knowledge, care, support, and a medically advised diet for the mother’s quick and smoother recovery and the baby’s proper growth. Contact us if you require reliable baby care at home.

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