Elderly Care Dubai

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Elderly Care Dubai

Elderly care is one of the most important services that provide comfort and support to the elderly in a familiar and comfortable environment. With the increasing number of elderly people in the world, the need for innovative care solutions that meet their unique needs is increasing. Carers for elderly is an excellent option because it ensures that the elderly receive the personal attention they need while maintaining their independence and dignity.

What is elderly care?

Elderly care is one of the tasks in which a specialist follows up on the elderly’s condition and provides all means of comfort and prevention, not only that, but also helps in the daily routine activities of the elderly such as eating, clothing, drinking, etc. Although elder care is one of the difficult tasks, Lana Life Care provides specialized elderly sitters who are trained to carry out all the burdens and tasks assigned to them in the best possible way and as quickly as possible.

Elderly Care at Lana Life Care

Senior care at Lana Life Care on four basic methods, which are:

1. Providing therapeutic (pharmaceutical) care for the elderly

In which the sitter follows up on the elderly’s health condition, and helps him take his medications and medicines according to the doctor’s instructions, not only that, but also performs simple medical examinations to ensure the health of the elderly on a daily basis, such as measuring (temperature, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc.).

2. Providing preventive care for the elderly

In which the sitter protects the elderly from fear of being exposed to many different diseases due to weak immunity, by contributing to supervising his diet and making it healthy and containing the important nutrients that the elderly’s body needs, in addition to helping him do some sports activities that suit his health condition, which in turn works to raise the morale of the elderly.

3. Providing psychological care and moral support to the elderly

In this case, the sitter encourages the elderly and raises their morale, which in turn stimulates the body to attack many different diseases so that they do not get sick, but rather get rid of diseases that they may actually suffer from, and contribute to getting rid of various psychological diseases such as depression, anxiety and loneliness by participating in many different life activities.

4. Providing comprehensive care for the elderly at home

In this case, the role of the sitter does not depend on providing therapeutic and preventive care only but is assigned many other tasks, such as contributing to preparing food, clothing, eating, using the bathroom, etc., for the elderly who suffer from some chronic diseases related to the stage of old age such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which makes them unable to perform life tasks on their own.

How to improve the quality of care for the elderly at home


Training caregivers

Caregivers must receive the necessary training to be able to deal with the various challenges that they may face while providing care. The training includes how to deal with chronic diseases, provide first aid, and understand the psychological and social needs of the elderly.

Use of technology

Technology plays an important role in improving the quality of elderly care. Remote health monitoring devices, such as blood pressure and blood sugar monitors, can be used to regularly monitor the health of the elderly. Mobile phone applications can also be used to remind the elderly of medication times and medical visits. Family support Family support is an essential part of home elderly care. Family members must participate in providing care and providing emotional support. They can also provide assistance in daily activities and take care of the social and psychological needs of the elderly

Why choose Lana Life Care

  • The best prices for home elderly care in exchange for the level of service provided.
  • Providing male and female staff and choosing from them according to the desire of the elderly or their family.
  • Participating with the elderly socially, talking with them, and entertaining them.
  • Participating with the elderly culturally and informing them of information going on in the outside world.
  • Participating with the elderly psychologically, motivating, encouraging, and supporting them in order to improve their health.
  • Follow up on the elderly person’s condition daily and communicate with the specialist doctor in case of any strange symptom appearing in the elderly person.
  • Follow up on the elderly person in case of travel and provide all means of care for him.
  • The ability to change the sitter in case of a lack of harmony between him and the elderly person.
  • Spread health awareness for the elderly person and his family and help in follow healthy habits.
  • The ability to provide permanent care within 24 hours for the elderly who suffer from some diseases that make them unable to move.