Active vs Passive Physiotherapy Treatment – Which is Better?

Hundreds of people suffer from chronic pain – though mostly back pain, some also have joint pains. Every year, thousands of labor hours are lost due to pain. The pain can be caused by accident, trauma, or degenerative tissue/bone. It can make life miserable, with the individual unable to work, relax or take a vacation […]

Advantages of Home Nursing Over Hospital Care: Why Should You Hire a Home Nurse?

Why do you need home nursing when hospitals provide excellent services and health care? We all lead busy lives and don’t always set aside enough time for our loved ones or even ourselves. Every family is unique. In some families, members may be preoccupied with their jobs, while in other families, members might be focused […]

Top 10 Benefits of IV Therapy for Health and Wellness

Hospital treatments and therapy sessions were only taken by sick and unhealthy people. That’s not the case anymore; nowadays, people who are quite healthy undergo several types of treatments and therapy sessions to maintain their health and beauty. IV treatments are one of those treatments that provide you with the desired health and beauty. IV […]

Neurological Physiotherapy: Everything You Need to Know

Physiotherapy is used to treat an illness, injury or deformity and aims at helping the patient to re-establish motor functions like balance, movements and coordination. Wastage and function deterioration can be prevented by ensuring the joints are kept flexible and the muscles active. Neurological conditions are problems with the spinal cord, brain, or peripheral nerves. […]

Dry Needling Therapy by Physical Therapist: Benefits and Risks

To relieve severe muscle discomfort, people use a variety of procedures and treatments all over the world. Some treatments have been around for a long time, while others are very new. Some are traditional, while others are out of the ordinary. In the spirit of unusual treatments, how about having needles inserted into your body […]

What is Cupping Therapy? Types, Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects

Are you suffering from severe muscular pain and discomfort? Is there a treatment to alleviate your pain and other discomforts? Cupping therapy can be an effective treatment for several painful conditions. Thus, let us find an answer to one of the frequently asked questions: “What is Cupping Therapy?” What is Cupping Therapy? Cupping therapy is […]

Physiotherapy for Stroke Patients – A Complete Guide

Stroke physiotherapy, or physiotherapy for stroke patients, is a term that is used very often. Before we jump into stroke physiotherapy, let us look into the term “stroke” and its effects. When the blood flow to brain cells is disturbed or terminated, the brain receives less oxygen. This is known as a “brain assault” or […]

The Benefits of Getting Physiotherapy Treatment at Home

You may be wondering why the term “physiotherapy” is used by everyone and what exactly physiotherapy refers to. When somebody is impaired by an injury, sickness, or handicap, physiotherapy can help them regain movement and function. Physiotherapy is also a type of healthcare that analyzes, identifies, treats, and attempts to prevent illness and disabilities.  Physiotherapy […]

The Importance and Need of Elderly Care at Home

Aging is inevitable and is universal.  We are living in a society with two extremes: one that never understands the value of elderly people and discards them with disrespect, and the other that cares about their older generation and values them properly with enough respect and care. This is a paradoxical situation where we have […]

Physiotherapy Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Have you recently had a back injury or been suffering from back pain? If that’s the case, this blog is for you. Unfortunately, 85 per cent of people will suffer from backaches at some point in their lives. It’s the second most common cause for people to visit their primary care physician after the common […]