
Have you recently had a back injury or been suffering from back pain? If that’s the case, this blog is for you. Unfortunately, 85 per cent of people will suffer from backaches at some point in their lives. It’s the second most common cause for people to visit their primary care physician after the common cold.

Back pain isn’t an illness for most of us. It’s simply a result of how we choose to go about our daily lives. Back pain in youngsters and young adults can be caused by a variety of factors. They are the most vulnerable group because the majority of them are working and are more physically active. Yes, the more active you are, the greater the possibilities of sustaining a lower back injury.

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How does back pain occur, and how can it be treated?

The most prevalent cause of back pain is prolonged sitting, especially when you sit for eight to ten hours at a time without taking a break. Second, if you’re physically unfit, particularly if your core and lower back muscles are weak. Likewise, if you do not maintain good posture. Without slouching, you should constantly sit erect with your neck and head centred. You will not have lower back pain if you maintain good posture and work for four hours in that posture.

People who enjoy working out should do it under the supervision of a physiotherapist or a physical trainer. Lana Life Care, a prominent provider of physiotherapy services in Dubai, has specially educated professional physiotherapists who can assist you with these issues. Neurological Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic & Sports Injuries, Paediatric Physiotherapy, Geriatric Physiotherapy, and Sports Physiotherapy are some of the services they offer. They can relieve your pain in a way that no one else can.

Before drawing any conclusions about what could be causing your back discomfort, you should visit your primary care physician. Furthermore, treatment for different types of back pain differs. However, when people suffer from back pain, the first thing they normally do is rest. On the contrary, it’s the other way around. The best medicine is to move the joints.

Lana Life Care physiotherapists will assist you and have devised a set of exercises to reduce lower back pain. Additionally, you can make an appointment with a Lana Life Care physician or physiotherapist directly.   

Stretches to Reduce Back Pain

Stretching is a fantastic way to warm up before any workout. It keeps your range of motion normal and prevents muscles from shrinking due to inactivity. When you have lower back pain, stretching can help you feel better.

Lana Life Care’s expert therapists recommend the four exercises below to help with back pain management. These also assist in the loosening and activation of tense muscles, as well as the resolution of spasms. All of these exercises can be done on the floor or a mat.


Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Raise your hips slowly while maintaining a straight back with your knees and shoulders. Hold the bridge in place for 6 seconds. Repeat this process at least 8 to 12 times.

Knee to chest

Put your feet flat on the floor while lying in the same position. Bring your right knee to your chest while maintaining the position of your left foot. Before lowering it again, hold it for 15 to 30 seconds. Reverse the process with the left leg. With each leg, perform two or four repetitions.

Press-up back extensions

Lie on your stomach and place your elbows directly beneath your shoulders and your hands flat on the ground. Lift your shoulders off the ground by pressing down on your hands. For a few seconds, stay in this position. Repeat 8–12 times more.

Bird dogs

Get down on your hands and knees, shoulders and hips apart. Maintain a straight back and a firm grip on your abs. Lift your right leg, straighten it behind you for 5 seconds, then lower it. On the opposite side, repeat the process. Repeat on each leg eight to twelve times.

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Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

When you’ve finished stretching, try some of these simple exercises put together by the experts of Lana Life Care to help you with your lower back pain. These workouts are safe and effective,  but physiotherapists from Lana Life Care still advise you to check with your primary care physician before starting a new programme. If needed, Lana Life Care therapists are also ready to assist you with all these exercises, even from the comfort of your home.

All exercises begin with the hook lying position, which will help to relax your back and relieve stress on your spine’s joints. You will have to lie on your back straight and then fold your legs to form a V shape.

Knee Rotation

For the first one, slowly let your knees fall to one side, pause for a second, and then lift them up and softly drop them to the other side. This exercise should be done slowly and carefully to avoid putting too much torque on the damaged spine segments. Make sure you’re breathing normally while executing the exercises, and that you’re activating your core region when you lower your knees to the ground side. We recommend that you repeat this process at least ten times.

Curl Up 

To do the curl-up exercise, first, place your hands on your thighs while maintaining the same hook lying position and slide your fingertips up towards your knees, then do a little sit-up and return to the initial position. As you rise, exhale to avoid holding your breath and exerting too much pressure on the disc in your spine. It’s important to remember that, if done incorrectly, this exercise might cause too much neck bending resulting in neck pain.

Pelvic Tilt 

The Pelvis Tilt exercise will activate your lower abdominal, which is beneficial for maintaining your spine whether sitting or standing. Now, gently tighten your lower abdomen lying in the hook position and roll your hips such that the lower section of your back is flattened and pressed onto the mat or floor. While doing this exercise, you should pause for at least three to five seconds and make sure you’re breathing since it’s common for people to hold their breath. Physiotherapists from Lana Life Care believe that this exercise is very crucial and if performed incorrectly, it can bring further pain to your back joints. So they ask you to perform this with utmost care or with professional help.

Piriformis Stretch

For performing the Piriformis stretch, you’ll have to lift the right ankle and place it on the left knee, then hold the right knee with both hands and bring it towards your opposite shoulder (here the left shoulder). This will extend into the hip and buttock on the right side; hold it for at least 20 seconds. According to therapists, it’s best to do it at least twice a day. This is beneficial for people who sit at a desk all day and bend forward regularly. It also helps stretch the muscle that lies directly on top of the Sadek nerve, which is beneficial for people who suffer from sciatica.

Therapists from Lana Life Care think it’s best if you follow the exercise routine the following way: Pelvic tilts, knee rotations, and curl-ups should be done 1-2 times each day for a total of 10-15 repetitions. The piriformis stretch can be done twice a day for a minimum of 20-30 seconds each time. Bridges at least twice a week and do about 10-15 repetitions at a time.

Even though you do the exercises as instructed by the Lana Life Care physiotherapists or even perform it with their assistance you may still experience muscle soreness at first, as with all new exercises. This should clear up in the next 7-10 days. If these workouts become too painful, stop doing them. Please reconsider how you performed this exercise or visit the Lana Life Care physiotherapists in person for assistance. If the pain persists, you should cease doing the workouts.

Maintaining your stretches in between therapy sessions is critical to maximising your function and getting you healthier faster.